How do I update this input page?

How do I update this Page.
Three or four years ago I added a page to my site to gather info on those wishing to join our club could fill out (Name Phone # etc. ) Now I have to update that page and have no idea what I used to create it. It had to be something very basic since my RW abilities are very limited.

In edit view there are the question I asked to filled out and there are options to have input of text field, text area, check box, pot up menu, audio button, and attachment. Also a check box make a field required.

Preview shows a heading I must have created somehow with name of the club etc. followed by the above questions I created in edit. At the very bottom there are two red buttons Reset and Submit.

I’m asking if any on can tell what this page is and how can I update it.

Thank You

Have you got an URL for us?

Try opening page on the web then ‘view source’ or ‘view html’ (sometimes under the developer menu) - it’ll show up the Stacks used to make the page.

As mentioned, a URL might help…

sounds like it might be just the built in forms page type

Thank You

Thanks for the almost instant response. Sorry I should have included the link.

Here it is


27 inch iMac

macOS 10.13

RW 7

Stacks (I update when notified but I don’t know how to check)

You tube Tutorials Index

That looks like the standard contact form plugin. In your RW project look on the left side (page list) and look for Join CLub:

That’s should be the page, now without knowing what you want to change it’s hard to say.

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