Link to page and stack element

It sounds like you are wanting to link to named ‘anchor’ points in the page.

Although every stack you add to a page has a unique ID, the trouble with these is that they are not particularly human-friendly and prone to change (without warning) when stacks get added or removed from the page.

Did you see the free Anchor Point stack from RWExtras?

As the name and description suggests, this simple stack will create ‘named’ sections in a webpage that you can anchor links to.

For example, this link will take you straight to the third chapter on the page.

There is no limit as to how many of these named anchors you can create on a webpage. Just some minor restrictions as to what the anchor point can be named and how it should be written.

It is an extremely simple stack to work with. Compatible with all newer web browsers. It only has two settings - one to toggle the display of instructions in edit mode and a second to specify the actual name of the anchor point.