Manual Curation with Alloy v3

I’ve been using Alloy quite happily and recently upgraded to v3. I manually curate my content, creating the md file in Visual Studio Code and then uploading the file via Transmit FTP. This is mainy due to speed. I can duplicate a previous post, edit the content and FTP it online. However, with v3 I found my future posts weren’t publishing. I little research and conversation with Elixir highlighted that the time attribute now plays a major role. Although Alloy makes provision for setting the publish date, it doesn’t give you any option of setting the time with your md file. The publish time is automatically set from the md file’s creation date. So even though the post had the correct date set to publish, it wasn’t publishing because the file creation time was later in the day. Suffice to say, this broke my manual curation workflow. Changing the creation date on each post is a non-trivial problem in my opinion and increases the friction in workflow.

I have found a solution, hence the post here for any others who manually curate content with Alloy. It does require Keyboard Maestro. A kind user in the KM forum created a script that allows you to change the creation/modified date on any file. Marry that action to a keyboard shortcut and things are only slightly more complex.

A big shout out to the KM forum for their kind help!

You can see the thread here and download the script.


Having gone through all that, I’m sad to report that FTP does not seem to preserve file creation stamps, making this a moot point.

Alloy v3 breaks manual curation as you cannot maintain the creation time stamp of a file during FTP transfer.

Many FTP apps offer you the ability to preserve the modification date when uploading. Transmit, which is a popular FTP app, offers this in the advanced settings, here:

CleanShot 2020-11-26 at 08.39.56

Thanks Adam!

I take back what I said, manual curation lives! Although the online editor is growing on me!

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@svsmailus Yes, the online editor is really a thing of beauty. I thought I would just create my posts manually, but fairly quickly changed to online as the experience works so well. And it’s super easy to download all posts/embeds/droplets within editor area if you want a backup.


Being somewhat paranoid from my days of trying to stop people hacking my WordPress Login page, I’ve placed the online editor behind a sitelok login, which works rather well. Granted, I need to log in twice, but it’s worth my peace of mind! Only admins can get at the login page at the moment which means once I get other people editing content I can create a sitlelok editor group and only they will be able to access the blog editor. Sweet!

@svsmailus I do the same. I’m using Sitelok as almost all my websites are course websites that need to be protected. The way I use Sitelok, however, is I have it remember my login credentials: that way I don’t need to manually login as long as I visit once a week or so. I use simpler name/password for Alloy itself. But this double login seems to work quite nicely.

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