Max width of containers?

Yeah, to be honest I’m at the point where I don’t want all of the various container choices (container, section, flex + flex item and grid + grid item), but rather one container with the option to define it’s behaviour (block, flex, grid, etc).

In terms of flex and grid, it can be assumed that any elements that are direct children of the flex or grid component are flex items or grid items. Having yet another container type to define flex items and grid items only complicates things. If I want to organize things within a container using Flexbox or Grid I can choose to add my own container if necessary. As it stands, flex item and grid item aren’t even listed in the component library and are only available if you create a flex or grid container in the structure view.

For me the base block elements/components would be:

  • button
  • container (can be set to block, flex, grid, etc, as well as a semantic type if desired; article, section, aside, main, header, footer, nav, etc. - otherwise div.)
  • heading (can be set to h1…h6)
  • image (supports both svg and png, jpg, gif, avi, webp, etc, as well as media queries and src alternates)
  • paragraph (see my post here)
  • audio/video
  • quote
  • table
  • frame/embed
  • form, form inputs (checkbox, radio button, field, etc)

Having too many container types really muddles and confuses things. Also, these are the common things people will expect to see within a WYSIWYG web editor.