Need a Stripe Cart

Hey Guys thanks for all the feedback!

Been hard at work making Cart 2 even more awesome :slight_smile:

Thanks to all the emails. Off the top of my had comments here from @LSPhoto, @webdeer, Luke and @bruce in particular really helped.

Emails just gone out with 2.1 updates. Here’s the low down. Might want to grab a :coffee: - it’s a long one:

Cart 2.1


  • Fixed quantity products - can set limit to 1 or 2 or 3 or whatever (if you’re selling Buzz Lightyear toys this Christmas)
  • Agree to terms and conditions before checkout to complete and proceed to buy
  • Change colours of Cart pop up! Title, background etc
  • Hide decimals in Cart pop up totals so for example, $5,500 instead of $5,500.00 → good for expensive items if you’re lucky enough to sell any!
  • Custom Stripe Checkout Button! We don’t recommend it as it’s on brand, but you never know, you might want to style it so options for radius, colour, font size and padding. Don’t go overboard!
  • Custom PayPal Checkout Button! As with Stripe button, we also don’t recommend it as it’s on brand, but you never know, you might want to style it so options for radius, colour, font size and padding. And again, don’t go overboard!
  • Swap the PayPal image for a bigger or smaller one. See here for more from the horse’s mouth:
  • Option for alignment of checkout buttons if they go to two lines and want to hide the “or” just omit it and these sit nicely
  • In Stock / Limited Stock Toggle added so quickly go from Out of Stock to In Stock. This also helps to encourage sales and quickly alter stock availability
  • With PayPal only selected it’s possible to go direct to PayPal in a new window when checking out! This was requested. Stripe opens in the same window (for a nice User experience) except for tablet and mobile where it opens automatically in a new window - they handle that direction!
  • Drop down styles! Drop downs were originally styled by the theme but now have overrides built in for font, colour, size, border and so on. Blend it with your buttons for an authentic look.


  • Quantity box looks better with Foundation theme


(but you get the idea)

Not agreeing to Terms:

Limited Quantity:


Happy Selling in RapidWeaver with PayPal and Stripe guys!