New Site Launch - Network QA

New Site Launch - Network QA

This site has been in progress for quite a while as I had to wait a long time for all the content to get to me but……ITS NOW LIVE!!

All Foundation with a liberal application of BigWhiteDuck and JoeWorkman stacks, I’ve even got EasyCMS controlling the Menu titles, Page titles and SEO descriptions.

Many many thanks to Realmac, @isaiah , @joeworkman and @tav for their handwork in producing such an amazing suite of tools.


Amazing site there @PaulRussam! Be sure to try and get that one in the Gallery, it is an excellent one and should EASILY get in! Nice job!

Needs bigger icons… :wink:
Great job!

Looks really good. Did you do the page loading animation with Joe’s preloader stack or some other approach?


Hand written svg, everything is done within the svg file itself.

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Ok, completely beyond my skill set but thanks for letting me know!



Great looking Foundation site. Great animations.

I’ve done a small RW project to show the basic principal of the page headers, you’ll need Foundation from JoeWorkman and Sections from BigWhiteDuck.


The amazing thing about svg’s is their size, that file on the home page with the animation is only 37kb

Perhaps I should start educating myself then…


Even if you ignore the animation, SVGs are really worth learning about. They won’t replace photographs, but they often can replace JPG or PNG drawings. Typically an SVG is 10% of the size of a JPG. And, more importantly, it’s scaleable (that’s the “S” in SVG): this means no matter how big you display the SVG it won’t lose any of it’s original sharpness or clarity. It’s win-win all the way.

If you do hand-drawn sketches I find Image Vectorizer great for transforming from scanned PNG/JPG to SVG.

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Fantastic work @PaulRussam! As I recall, you used Affinity Designer to create the SVG (in fact, I purchased AD after you showed me your logo in AD). But, unfortunately, I have no idea how you did it. If you know of any online tutorials, I’d appreciate it if you’d point me towards it.

Cheers! Dave

I used Affinity to create all the graphics on that site which I then exported as svg’s, the logo on the landing page is a special case where I took the exported svg and then edited by hand in SublimeText to achieve the animation.
This is the site where I learned 90% of how to create/manipulate svg’s


WHOW Paul, What a fantastic job you did on this site. I love its flow, use of colour, design elements, and the icon navigation is very cool. Really nicely done. I imagine the client is super pleased with it too.



Well done! real tight organization. In other words very well thought out beforehand, Keep up the good work