Official Theme - where's my logo?

I made a site using Official. The logo on the site is not showing online. I’ve tried changing from a gif to a jpg, reloading several times, trying retina and non-retina versions but it still doesn’t show online.
Any help would be appreciated.

Almost impossible to help with out a site URL other than asking if you have it checked in site setup.

Thanks Scott. The logo is definately in the setup and shows offline.
The work in progress is here:


What type of file are you using for your logo?
the file name it is trying to load is:
I suspect that the .sm is throwing things off although I can’t be sure.

I would rename the file WBPS-Logo-sm.jpg if its a jpeg file put it in again and republish.

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Thanks! you’re a genius :slight_smile:
This is strange because the original file was
It looks like the theme has only read up to the first dot. So I changed it to a dash and reloaded and now it’s working. Couldn’t have seen that one coming!

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Glad your up and going :+1:t2::grinning:

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