Old website in Front Page

Looking briefly at your old website I think it will take a bit of time to duplicate. Perhaps trickiest is the PayPal stuff: but since I never sell things on my websites I could be wrong and this will be super easy. The first decision you would need to make in RW is how to handle menu navigation. As far as I can tell you have 18 pages listed in your navigation. That’s a lot of pages/items for the first level menu but probably makes sense in your case. Many themes, however, won’t look very good with that many items at the top level of navigation. So I’d try out the various free themes RW provides, or some of the free/paid themes at ThemeFlood.com, to decide which theme might best fit your specific needs.

The rest can definitely be built using Stacks, but reconstructing your site will take more energy than I initially anticipated because it really is image/paypal driven with lots of menu nav links.