Tooltip not working

Your page meta tags are suggesting slightly differently:

TableBildr Stack is obsolete and was replaced with TableBuilder, current version is 2.0

superTooltips Group, superTooltips Style, and superTooltips Content are the old obsolete stacks by Mauricio Sabene and got replaced sometime ago with the new ‘all in one’ Super Tooltips stack, current version is 1.0.1.

In your addons folder, you should have:

  • RX-SuperTooltips.stack
  • RX-TableBuilder.stack

Of course, what you have installed in RapidWeaver and what you actually drag and drop into the page can be different. I suspect you still have older versions of these stacks somewhere on your system that you have continued to use, in place of these newer ones.

You would need to manually swap-out the old stacks in your pages and replace with the new ones. TableBuilder has an entirely new GUI because the Stacks v3 plugin deprecated support for ‘repeats’. SuperTooltips is an entirely brand new stack with a different codebase and mobile support (which the old one lacked).

The easiest way to know you are adding the newest versions to the page is that they have the simple teal and white icons like this:
