Unable to drag an .html file onto a Styled Text Page

I am unable to drag an .html file onto a Styled Text Page. I have been doing this for years. Perhaps this is the first time for me to try in RW. I get the following message

One or more resources exist in this project. When I hit “Use Existing Resources” nothing happens.

I am obviously missing something…


Thanks in advance,

Michael in Japan

Are you trying to add a file with the same name as one that already exists in the project?

Thanks for the quick response…Yes…I do think so.


In the past, (in RW 7)I deleted the file and added a new one. Now, I find the same file listed under ‘resources.’

What to do?


What are you actually trying to achieve?

Jannis, thanks for replying. What am I trying to do…it is utterly simple. I have a data base composed in .rtf and I always convert it to .html, drag it to an empty RW8 page, and then upload. I have been doing this for years. But now, in RW8, I am unable to drag it onto the page, it just bounces back. Anyway, I just opened RW7, and performed the task without any problem. Something about RW8 that I don’t understand?

I suppose you use then the resources “manager” inside RW for that purpose.

I am trying to use it….but nothing happens…am I doing something wrong?

Great way to solve RW problems-read the Users Manual! I was trying to drag a .html file onto a Styled Text page. In RW 7, this was possible, now it has to be resourced and linked. Problem solved. Thanks

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