UNEXPLAINABLE - menu broke and loads empty files

I’ve been responsible for www.metacog.com for a while now. Have been running RW 7.55 and the site has been stable as hell. Only change made recently was video addition to the homepage. It was working fine then someone notified me that the menu was broken. I have no idea what is going on and i am PANICKED. Any suggestions??? TIA

It does not look broken to me. Perhaps you can post a Screenshot?

Looks fine to me as well. Get them to clear their browser cache and try again.

Thanks. When I click on one of the menu items it downloads an empty file not the web page link… even after emptying the cache. strange. I also just updated my stacks version and seem to have lost all my resource (image) files. UGH…

I see what you mean. I’m afraid I have no idea what’s happened there. Not seen anything like it before.

I know, right? In preview on my local machine it works just fine.

Perhaps it has something to do with your server? If you visit the exact location of the index.html file, like in this example here, the page loads fine: https://www.metacog.com/uses/index.html

But if you simply visit the folder for that same page the index.html file is not automatically loaded: https://www.metacog.com/uses/

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Can you check if you klicked this in the Advanced settings? If not, then enable it and republish all files:

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It looks like the navigation is using tidy links
Perhaps the web-server isn’t supporting DirectoryIndex directive.
I’m also getting Access Denied On your blog and any page under the about menu?

Who are you hosting with? What web-server are you using(Apache, Nginx, etc, )?

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AWS S3 bucket - static

Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 1.25.18 PM

You probably won’t be able to tidy links with this hosting. Tidy links require you to be using something like Apache web server that allows you to specify DirectoryIndex directive.

This tells the web server if a file isn’t specified (tidy links doesn’t use file names like “index.html” or “index.php”, but just gives a folder name(directory). The web-server recognizes this an has a directive to look for a file.
A tipical directive would look like this:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.php

This would look for a file named index.html and if it wasn’t there, it would then look for index.cgi and finally index.php.

Did you change hosting to AWS? This probably never would have worked onAWS S3 bucket - static.

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Nope. It’s been on S3 for a few years

Have you attempted to turn off Tidy Website Links and do a Republish All Files and try it out? That’s where I’d begin.


Adam - was finally able to do that and it works like a Champeen. Thanks to all the contributors here! Love this community. WOOT WOOT!!!


Thank @teefers and @Fuellemann. They did the work. I just asked you to try their suggestions. :rofl:

Super glad you got it sorted.


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