Update WDS Template 4


I bought the WDS Template 4 and saw that there a new version. I emailed Webdeersign but have not heard back yet… How can I update a template to a newer version?

Thanks in advanced.

Gary can correct me if I’m wrong but I think you can just re-download it from your paddle locker (i.e. go to my.paddle.com and login with whatever email/pass you purchased with) and it should be the updated version

Hi Craig,

I got your email and I replied to you on 8 Jan. Perhaps it’s in your spam folder or somewhere else.

However, as Jason kindly replied, you can log into your Paddle account and download the latest updated version. I hope this answers your question.


That worked and I was able to update the template. Fantastic stacks and template!

Thank you

Good news and glad you are enjoying it.