

Built my orig site in early 2000’s w/ RW 5(?) and continued to use it for upgrades and blogging and whatnot. Then in 2018 while traveling I let my site expire with the host and when I returned my site was gone and my mac was so outdated I couldn’t find a way to save the old one, so, recently upgraded to RWC and put up a bare-bones site. Currently (2024) working on a complete upgrade (only in the planning / outlining stage). Hesitant to get too far and find out I should have used different galleries/stacks, etc… As a large-format photographer who prints and sells very large images, the gallery is of utmost importance. Also, trying to get the pages to work on any devise seems a challenge as well. Lastly, working with fonts so far seems another unfortunate learning curve. All this is summed up in my fear of putting too much time into a page only to find out that it won’t work for me. Bottom line is RW has great flexibility, at a cost, that allows me to have complete control, and I’m a control freak!