Although i have set STACKS 3 to not use the online CDNs there´s still a link in my page

Hi, to be GDPR compliant, i have set the STACKS3 plugin to not use online CDNs, but i still can see a link at least in one of my pages:

Is there a way to find out which stack or what is causing this? Or do i have to manually adjust that .php file every time i update my page?


Do you have a link to your site where this link is appearing?

Stacks 3 is referencing the current FA version 4.7, so I guess it is the theme which is containing this link (or something else…).


I found what is causing it: SocialStreamStack from Rapid Ideas.
I´ve adjusted the file template.html in the SocialStream stack bundle as a workaround.

It would be easy enough for Stack developers to just “reference” Font Awesome inside Stacks Plugin as dependency…


i have now contacted the author of the stack.

wie kann ich Stacks 3 einstellen, kein CDN zu benützen?

Using Google Translate, so sorry if the text is wrong:

Klicke auf einen beliebigen Stapel und du erhältst ein kleines Prefs-Icon in der unteren rechten Ecke:

Klicken Sie auf dieses Symbol, um ein Einstellungsfenster zu öffnen. Klicken Sie auf das HTML5-Symbol und Sie sollten die folgenden Optionen sehen:

Hoffe, das hilft dir aus

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Thanks Robert,
all fine,

worked - Google is sometimes better than expected…


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