Hi, I’m revamping my site with Foundation and want to place full width banner images across the top (above the topbar). A graphic design company are doing the images for me and they want to know what size in px for the banner images and emails? I know the email template is 600px wide, but what size should the full width banner images be?
I usually make my banner images 1800px wide, but I’m sure others will have their own personal preference.
This kind of thing is a great use case for a stack such as Srcerer as it would allow you to link to a range of widths (or a range of different images) and have the browser use the most appropriate for whatever screen size is being used. A bit more detail about those 2 options:
If the aspect ratio of your image would be appropriate for use on all device sizes, then you could opt to include up to 8 different width versions of your image (e.g. from 320px right through to 2100px).The browser would then use the most appropriate one for whatever device it is being viewed on.
There is also the option of having your graphic design company composing your image differently for each device. (and if I am imagining your need correctly then this would probably be the best approach). Srcerer, allows for this too by enabling you to link up to 4 differently composed images and it then gives you full control over when / where each image is presented.
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