Bug? in the Text Component

Hi @dan

I came to something strange in the Text component. I created a kind of link list for a footer and as long as the text is not linked everything looks normal.

But when I set a link to the Text something is wrong. Please have a look to the screenshot. The Text is set to a near white color but it appears with this theme in dark gray. When I hover over the links everything looks again as to be ok.

Something wrong with my settings? Or have I found a bug :grinning:

Can you share just that part of the file in a project? I can then take a look and find out if it’s a bug (it looks like a bug).

@WeaverPixel Don’t worry, I’ve managed to reproduce it here — The link colours aren’t working in dark mode. We’ll get that fixed for the next beta!

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Hi @dan
Just tried also this one in the new Beta 31. No change on my side. Still the colours on a link are ignored.

Sorry, this is going to be fixed very soon… we just need to upgrade to Tailwind V4 first!

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