Nice time saver if you’re going to change your date, but you may want to at least add the original year of copyright. Oldest date wins in copyright disputes.
I agree with you @teefers, I always though that copyright pertains to the year the site was created, therefore you have ‘protected’ the site from it’s conception forward.
I can’t speak for other countries, but from a US perspective, straight from the source at, US law no longer requires the use of a copyright notice.
So, there you go - you don’t need a copyright notice at all if you’re in the US. I keep mine up-to-date simply because I like the look of it better than a date that’s three or four years old.
I’m new to RapidWeaver and having read this thread, I’m wondering if there is an add-on that allows me to insert a date and time in a footer, or perhaps on the index page? Example format: 29 March 2024. 13:02