Dev Diary Ep34 - Hover Effects


Last week I teased that we’d be showing off a “bigger feature that will enable us to do a lot of exciting things in the future”. Typically, it’s not quite ready to reveal this week, however, we have just added a fun new animation feature to Elements…

CleanShot 2024-09-03 at 10 .33.41

Later this week we’ll be releasing Elements Beta 8, it features the ability to apply fancy animations to your Components. We’re focusing on Hover animations first, later betas will have scroll based animations.

CleanShot 2024-09-03 at 10 .38.46

Here’s this weeks video that goes into more detail about how the new animation features works. It’s worth watching all of the video as I go into more advanced use cases towards the end, including how to animate multiple items at the same time.

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Get The Beta

You can sign-up here to be notified when the Elements beta is publicly available. Please note, we’re adding new users slowly to the private beta to enable us to manage all the feedback. If you’re already on the waiting list, just hang-tight, we will get to you soon!


Keep the feedback coming, and if you have any thoughts about the features demoed today please post them below.

See you next week :wave:

Dan & Team Realmac.


Looks very cool.

I’m not sure what Transform option are available in Tailwind but a mono option would be very nice. Have a nice mono thumbnail which transforms to a slightly larger colour thumbnail when hovering.

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You can see the excitement on your face Dan. Thank you much for the hard work on these new features. I have a feeling the end product will be fantastic!

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Yes! You are following the basic UI laws. The tools are where you expect it to be. Very well done!

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Phew, glad you guys like it :smiling_face:


I’m not trying to get ahead of RealMac here but with the mention of scrolling animations can we assume this will include things like parallax motion etc?

No problem! Do you (or anyone else here) have examples of the type of parallax you’d like to create in Elements?

Not specifically but it sounds like it’s doable so there’ll be options :slight_smile:

Will it also be possible to animate entire containers from outside the page like here Like a Slide in, slide up effect with containers full of content.

Is it likely to be today (Thursday)? :grinning:

Working on it :wink:

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We’re aiming for tomorrow (Friday) now as we’re just trying to finish off a little something new…


FYI: Beta 8 just dropped and there’s a sample project and preview video in the post, enjoy!

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Hi Dan, I’m rebuilding our office site in Elements. On the welcome page, I used a parallax effect. Any idea how to manage this in Elements?