It would be helpful to have @dropzones (and maybe all drop zones) highlighted with say a red outline when they are empty, so you can see where they are and that they are empty. Once a Component had been added to the dropzone, the red highlighting would be removed. If you have two dropzones together, it is difficult to see them clearly, especially if they abut one another.
In addition, having the name of the @dropzone shown in the dropzone, would be doubly helpful for users using the Custom Component.
A slightly separate suggestion: I would also find it useful if all components borders could be shown at the same time, so you can get a complete feel of how the page layout is constructed. This should be an option that you can toggle on and off while you are designing a page (Default off).
I’m intrigued as to what you’re trying to achieve here! What’s the use case for conditionally displaying @dropzone’s in Elements using a PHP if statement?
Mostly wondering how the user would be able to see/edit those two separate @dropzone’s whilst editing their site in Elements
Both dropzones are visible while editing in Elements. The php code is only affecting the published page to decide whether the first or second dropzone should be output to the browser.
I am testing using Sitelok by Vibralogix. The first dropzone would be used if logged in and the second if logged out.
I am intending to post my workings for this once the PHP issue has been sorted and I can test my website using PHP.
Further to my initial suggestion in this thread, it would also be helpful in the left hand side Page Layout tab if a @dropzone added to an HTML Custom element could be labelled as such i.e Dropzone as opposed to Content.
There is obviously something I am missing or there is an inconsistency bug of some sort?
My project couldn’t be much simpler:
*An Initial Divider
*A custom HTML element with the content as shown in my project image
*Added a Heading element to each dropzone (ZONE-ONE and ZONE-TWO)
*Another Divider