Edit/preview -and general function error

Please provide a few details in the following format so we can help you as quickly as possible!

RapidWeaver Version: 5.4.1 (14041)
System Version: 10.10.5
Hardware: iMac (27-inch, Mid 2010), 2.93GHz Processor, 1TB HD, 16GB Memory.

There are a few, but seem to be related.

Switching between edit and preview mode results in odd behavior;
Sometimes the preview stays open and there are two images; the edit and preview superimposed on top of each other.

-after that;

The edit/preview buttons disappear.
The app freezes and I have to restart to get function back.
Sometimes, the project will not save.

This all started after Yosemite upgrade. The older version of RW would crash on open, so I upgraded. After that more errors.

Expected Result:
Well I expect functionality

Additional Links:
(If you have any projects files, screenshots or videos of the bug in action please link to them here…

- as you can see the edit pane on the right is non-functional, and though it seems to be in edit mode, the preview button is lit up, and neither of the buttons are responsive.

This is where I have to restart. Any saved changes are just as likely to fail as succeed.

P.S. When I called up the info pane for RW to get specs, it would not go away until I closed RW!

The fact that the basic OS X window gems aren’t showing in the About window would suggest there’s something unusual going on here. Have you restarted your Mac?

We cannot guarantee compatibility with OS X Yosemite or later with RapidWeaver 5, I’m afraid.
