Flex and flex items background

Well that’s confusing.

Probably (very) late in the day but I think the name Section doesn’t actually describe what it is. As I understand it, it is really a collection of a number of components to build something like a nav bar (menu), banner etc.

It seems to me it is more akin to a Preset. You select the Preset you want to use.

Regardless of names and semantics, it’s clear there needs to be some clarity of what and how to use each element. I’m not bothered if both Sections and Containers are required on the proviso there’s concise instruction on when and how each should be used.

As mentioned elsewhere, I’m not a (web) coder - don’t know a div from a dove - and suspect I represent a reasonable subset of new Elements (and old Rapidweaver) users. It would be unfortunate if people trialling if found it overly complicated.

I appreciate this is a beta program and documentation needs to have a lower priority than getting things tidied up for release, but confusion over the role of some components seems quite real on the feedback forum.

FWIW, I hope you guys aren’t working all weekend trying to get the next beta ready. Don’t burn yourselves out.

Then yes, as stated above, I tend to agree with the sentiment here regarding naming.

Should one “form of div” become an all-encompassing option that does everything? Should it somehow be contextualized, sacrificing some features when used as a “Header” versus when used as “Main,” and so forth? This is definitely a complexity and usability concern.

Correct. My initial understanding was that Sections were pre-complied items like Banners and Footers. Then there is the Section in components which appears to be an empty 'box. I guess both things can be true at the same time but it’s a little unusual.