Is spell-check supported in Elements?
Does Elements minify output (html, css, js) on publishing?
Is there any capability within Elements to not only optimize images, but to also provide sizes and srcset alternates (or use the picture element)?
Is it possible to ‘lock’ certain elements within a template (global) so they can’t accidentally be edited, or have their values overridden?
Does Elements provide anything similar to slots in order to provide ‘regions’ in which to place additional content in Elements? Could a slot be a special element within a template (global) that new content can be placed into, effectively replacing the ‘slot’? Bonus points if ‘slotted’ content could be preserved on template (global) changes.
Any thoughts on renaming Globals (a term possibly more familiar to developers) to Templates as it not only appears to better describe what they are, but also isn’t a million miles away from the same web standard template concept. It’s also a term that many users already have a workable mental model for through apps such as Word, Canva, Adobe, etc. The idea of creating reusable templates composed of a collection of elements seems easier to get ones’ head around than overloading elements with the idea of global elements.
Can you place templates (globals) within templates (globals)? This would help immensely when creating complex reusable layouts without having to go back and edit each and every page individually? ie: one ‘page’ template (global) that contains a ‘header’, ‘nav’, and ‘footer’ template (global), as well as a ‘main’ slot (see above) in which to place the actual page content. This way you could edit the page template (global) to replace the nav or header, without having to edit the original nav or header template (global) (thereby making it impossible to revert changes) and update all pages using the ‘page’ template without having to update each one individually.