RapidWeaver Elements 10 (22896)
got these anomalies appearing…and if I click an image that all blur and the Lightbox doesn’t open
Yes, sorry, see this thread for more info on the issue (will be fixed in the next beta).
ive tried every combination…turned off scroll effects all I get now is blurred photos when I click on them
Very strange, we’ll look into this and get it fixed for the next beta.
I think im coming to the conclusion with your latest video and more code stuff that ive wasted my money on this elements and its not for me…I will wait for the thing to expire and re invest in keeping my classic up to date next year…personally I think youve released this far too early…for example and yes I know your re doing it but the menu component would have been my top priority and first thing to do…and not being able…and yes I know your re doing this as well as I cant edit nothing in a paragraph ie make a word bold add a paragraph within some text…to me thats basic stuff…sorry
Hi @Godber,
Thanks for the feedback, I really do understand your frustration.
We’re working as fast as we can to ship this as a polished 1.0 product, but right now it’s in rapid beta development so a lot of things are in flux. The product isn’t ready for production/live work and we do try to make that clear before people buy into the beta. However, I think things will look very different in a month or two…
I hope you’ll stay with us, I believe the wait will be worth it.
P.S. If you really want to stop using the Beta, and need a refund, just let me know and I’ll sort that out for you.
thanks…I would like a refund or if you can transfer the money to my classic as I let that lapse as I thought this was the one for me…I do understand about betas but I thought you would be further along than you are to be honest. I know there are people a lot more into code stuff but for example foundry 3 with classic has over 70 components and never have I used code…in the words of Apple…it just works…but I do love Rapidweaver classic hahahah
as an example your last 2 videos are about tailwind…im really not interested in tailwind…im nearly 70 if I was 25 maybe I would learn new stuff!!
I can issue you a refund, but before I do I just want to make you aware that once the refund is processed your copy of Elements will no longer function.
I’ll also be publishing plenty of no code tutorials once all the components in Elements are a little more finalised.
If you still want to go head with the refund let me know and I’ll do it right away for you.
yes refund please…ill use it to keep my classic up to date
All done for you. Hope you’ll consider Elements in the future once it launches publicly as a finished product!
of course I will…I will still be watching your videos as well