Renaming globals bug

After renaming a global, it seems that the new name isn’t saved. Evertytime I leave the components pane after renaming, next time I open the pane again the original name from the global is given.

You can rename globals in the Components list, just right-click and rename.

You might have been trying to rename it in the Custom Components slideup inspector (this shouldn’t be visible or editable for Globals) — We have some UI fine tuning to do there!

I did that but the name gets lost everytime. I can’t upload a screenmovie. But this is what I do:

  1. Renaming like you showed in the screencast
  2. I go the the page layout with all the used elements
  3. When I go back to grap the global, the given name is lost.

Could you seen a screen recording (and project) via email?

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Got your video… can you try pressing return when you’ve renamed it? (instead of clicking out of the text field)

That’s the trick :sweat_smile:

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Perfect, we’ll get it properly fixed during the beta cycle :+1: