SOLVED - Modify .htaccess file for https

This would not be related to your google issue. We will get it resolved. Please hang tight while I work on your account.

Thanks for your patience.

Yeah, you’re not reading it, or you would get a 500 internal error.

  • Make sure it is called .htaccess (with the dot)
  • Make sure it is “plain text.”
  • It sounds like it is in the right place
  • Are you using CloudFlare?

okay, the .htaccess file is being parsed. The fix is simple, sorry I had forgotten. Simply changing the code to:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

fixed the issue. :slight_smile:

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What port are you running it on? 80 is standard for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS.

Pretty sure I have 80 set as well…

Might be causing your problem with redirects you thought was cloud flare.

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Occurred to me once I saw that… I didn’t change anything except CF and I added a robots.txt that just blocks one page. Greg will hopefully let me know.

Maybe something changed at CDog.

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I have modified my response in order to avoid confusing users. Please disregard. No, this has nothing do with @LSPhoto CloudFlare issues.

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A little context for you, a feature of Chillidog users is that we automatically accelerate a user’s website. This is different than Apache. Sorry for the confusion :slight_smile:

Thanks @barchard.

So going forward if I keep a note of these three lines and replace with the relevant URL each time, then that’ll work for new sites on CDog?



yes, plus the code is far more robust and would work on other hosts too. RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 is the older style of doing this


Sorry to hijack this post, but thanks to @barchard, who also cleared up a problem I was having with Cloudflare.
Love my Chillidog!