Tailwind Plugins?

Is it (or will it be) possible to create Tailwind Plugins in Elements? I’ve love to be able to create/use additional properties without having to resort to always adding (and managing) custom CSS, either within a component, or in the HTML class attributes themselves.

This is interesting for sure. But is this the best use for Elements? Maybe for release version 10, after they get all the basics done.

It’s funny how “we”, I include myself, get to play with a ground breaking feature, and instantly want so much more. :joy:

I do get it Bryan, I see the value. I just think it needs to be way down the feature request list.

This is definitely more of a developer feature (and not essential for v1), but it’s also something that could improve the Elements (third-party) DX (developer experience).

I’m hoping we’ll begin to see some of the Elements developer features in the coming months.

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This is something we’ve already discussed internally - it would be a very cool and powerful feature - however, it’s not going to make it in to 1.0.