Text Area Control Setup

When using new text area control property code, the control disappears from the right sidebar.


There was a syntax error in the example code, I’ve fixed that up :+1:

This is my textarea snippet code just for the control:

  "title": "TextArea:",
   "properties": [{
     "title": "TextArea2",
     "property": "textarea",
     "textArea": {
       "default": "Hello World",
       "subtitle": "Subtitle"

No control in sidebar or value in template.

I’m wondering if you’re trying to list multiple controls together incorrectly… If you can show us your surrounding code we can try and locate the error for you.

If I paste your code into an empty group it works just fine.

Empty Group:

    "groups": [

Your Code:

  "title": "TextArea:",
   "properties": [{
     "title": "TextArea2",
     "property": "textarea",
     "textArea": {
       "default": "Hello World",
       "subtitle": "Subtitle"


Ok Dan, I figured out what the confusion is (and this will be a recurring thing that you want to avoid from happening over & over)

I’ll just show an example once, as all my other posts are probably the same.

This is the code for textarea & this snippet is all you should show in the docs along with this text:
Place this control code inside of the main ‘properties’ array which is inside of groups, see Grouping Controls

  "title": "TextArea:",
  "property": "textarea",
  "textArea": {
    "default": "Hello World",
    "subtitle": "Subtitle"

We’re going to update the docs to include both variations (with group wrapper and without), that way it’s easy to grab the snippet of code a user/developer needs.

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