Nick Cates Depth Parallax still not working

I hadn’t seen that, was that an email?

My guess is that is the case. @joeworkman has been tagged multiple times on this post and hasn’t replied. He has replied to other posts.

My guess would be he is killing Depth and Nick’s themes since they are competing for products. That would be A shame especially since other developers we’re willing to purchase the product line.

This is the kind of thing that hurts RapidWeavers’ reputation, in turn, that keeps new people from giving RapidWeaver a try. It’s unfortunate but the RapidWeaver community is a “buyer beware” environment. You can purchase an expensive addon and have it not work and or support disappear without warning.

Another recent post asked the question “Do RapidWeaver developers charge enough?”. Well, Nick’s products were probably some of the most expensive and see what happened. You want to keep RapidWeaver developers around, you need to grow the number of people using it. You don’t grow a product in a competitive environment like website development by charging more or creating a poor reputation where prospective new users are worried about being ripped off.