Pictures won't show in view mode with Nick Cates Depth Theme - But it worked before today - Does anyone know how to fix this?

I am using Depth. The pictures are visible in the design mode in Rapid Weaver but when I use the view mode, the pictures are not showing, and I republished the website with corrections before I realized this; now the pics are missing on the website too. The text shows, but not the pics. This is a new development since everything has worked for months and that includes the website. Will someone please tell me what is going on?

Hi Steven,
Welcome to the forum!
By any chance have you recently added SSL to your site?
The most common cause of this suddenly happening is that that image links are http instead of https and there is no redirect set up.
But if you share a URL link we’ll have a look and see what’s happened by nosing through the source code for you.


Hello Richard -

Presently, the problem is in Rapid Weaver, using Nick Cates “Depth”. The pictures show when in the design mode in Rapid Weaver, but when in view mode in Rapid Weaver, the pictures disappear.

You mention that the pics are missing on the website too.
If you share a link someone on here will be able to offer some advice I’m sure.

Here is a link. All missing pictures were Depth parallaxis and you will see they are not there.

"Let the Word break over your heart and mind again and again as the years go by, and imperceptibly there will come great changes in your attitude, and outlook, and conduct.” -Whitney

Sorry. Here is the link:

"Let the Word break over your heart and mind again and again as the years go by, and imperceptibly there will come great changes in your attitude, and outlook, and conduct.” -Whitney

Okay, the link didn’t show up.

There is a known issue with Parallaxis stack with the latest release of Safari.

Nick Cates has left Rapidweaver, @joeworkman has taken over all of Nicks stacks.

Adam @Elixir had graciously put out a fix for the stack in question, but I don’t know if he is still making this available since Joe is now the ”owner” of the stack.

To my knowledge @joeworkman hasn’t yet put out an officially fixed version.

You can turn off the parallax effect until you get a fixed version from either Adam or Joe. You can also check it another browser to make sure it’s the same problem.

More here:

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Yes, I am aware of the issue in Safari. My issue is different, and happens in Rapid Weaver using the parallaxis feature in Depth theme. It worked GREAT for several months, but suddenly when in Rapid Weaver and in attempting to figure why my website wasn’t working correctly in Safari 14, the pictures in parallaxis suddenly disappeared when using the view mode. When using the design mode, the pictures are there. Do you follow me?

Sorry I can no longer address fixes for the parallax problem as the product is now owned by Joe. I only worked on it while it what end of life by @nickcates. Now that it has a new home any fixes need to go through the new owner.

I don’t know if @sgauvry’s problem is the parallax effect or something else. Sounds like it is something else (maybe?). Perhaps Joe can address it for you.

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I am sorry - I had posted a different site until I can fix the one that is broken. Try this link again:

"Let the Word break over your heart and mind again and again as the years go by, and imperceptibly there will come great changes in your attitude, and outlook, and conduct.” -Whitney

I don’t see any pictures that appear to be missing?

I again put up a secondary website since this is my wife’s business and we wanted something running. If we can arrange a time, I can put the broken website by up.

You can publish the single page you are having problems with without taking down the current site.

  • You could put up a sub domain (great for extensive testing)
  • Publish a single page for testing
    • change the folder name to something like test-page
    • Un-select the "Show in navigation” button
    • Un-check the Index this page and Follow links (That will keep the page out of search engines)

The original is up and running!

"Let the Word break over your heart and mind again and again as the years go by, and imperceptibly there will come great changes in your attitude, and outlook, and conduct.” -Whitney

I don’t have a solution for you, but given that Depth is now, I believe, an unsupported framework (was it a framework?) now is possibly the time to rebuild the site in something supported? There are now many frameworks out there, all given the full support of their developers. I realise that may be hard to swallow, but the fact is your site is now powered by something that is sooner or later going to fall over, and there seems to be no one around to pick it up. Best to move on and put Depth behind you, in my opinion.

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Depth is still supported. It has been purchased by @joeworkman who is supporting it.

I understand he is not supporting it any longer…But I will contact him to see if he can help.

He says he he won’t be releasing further updates, but he is providing support for the product.

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Since @Elixir fixed things, Depth along with parallax effect is definitely still working in the latest version of Rapidweaver and with all modern browsers. I have checked several Depth projects today and all are fine. Your issue is clearly different to that particular bug.

How did you add your images? Was it drag and drop into depth sections or did you warehouse them?

Also, can you see images in Edit mode?

Fair enough. That’s not how I read his post, but if that is indeed the case, then good news for Depth users.