Hi there. returning to rapid weaver after a long break. Am putting together a site for a friend. he wants a page where you click on an a photo and it takes you to a page where it is just one large image (ie, no banner or menu etc ( suppose it should be responsive) What is the easiest way to do this? I am working in the Tesla pro theme. Any help gratefully received!
thank you
Do you mean this sort of thing https://louisecourtnell.co.uk/Gallery/
Image Gallery stack by CosCulture might do it.
Well, it is just one image (that is in the sidebar) that I want to make into a link but that might do it.
So what part do you need help with?
- Making an image a link?
- Making a "page where it is just one large image?
Do you use Stacks? If so a suggestion: As mac2474 says above you could use a very simple lightbox instead of a separate page.
Here is a free “LiteBox”
thank you . will try that!
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