A poor impression to the new user

From a personal point of view, it always irks me when companies try to charge me to learn software I’ve bought from them. From a business point of view, I can understand that Realmac probably don’t make anything like what they should from Rapidweaver, unless Stack and Plug-in developers have to pay some sort of commission fee that we don’t know about.

I think @Fuellemann’s suggestion is a good one and could benefit everyone.



The only revenue RealMac makes from developers is though the add-on promotions option on the community site.

I understand not wanting to pay for training. It is really nice when a product is well documented. Systems like WordPress have a tremendous amount of documentation due to the users posting videos on youtube.

Some developers like Joe Workman do a great job providing video and text documentation for products. It would be great if more users uploaded videos of tips and tricks.

It’s also worth mentioning that charging for software training is a pretty common business model. I’m happy that RealMac doesn’t charge as much as Apple and Oracle for their documentation and training resources.




If you or your clients use WP, they should employ more than WP security. Here’s a sample of an email I got today from one clients WP Security company (he pays $200 a year and gets these at least twice a month).

While working on the WordPress plugin WP Statistics, we discovered a SQL Injection vulnerability. This plugin is currently installed on 300,000+ websites.

Are You At Risk?

This vulnerability is caused by the lack of sanitization in user provided data.

An attacker with at least a subscriber account could leak sensitive data and under the right circumstances/configurations compromise your WordPress installation.

If you have a vulnerable version of WP Statistics installed and your site allows user registration, you are definitely at risk.

Vulnerability Details

Given the nature of SQL Injection attacks, there are many ways attacks can cause harm – examples include leaking password hashes and hijacking a logged-in user’s session.

The technical details of this vulnerability disclosure can be found on our blog.

Next Steps

If you’re using a vulnerable version of this plugin, update as soon as possible!

In the event where you cannot do this, we strongly recommend leveraging the Sucuri Firewall or equivalent technology to have the vulnerability patched virtually.```
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Good point. Though we do have some videos on YouTube for RW 7 here: https://www.youtube.com/user/realmacsoftware/videos and there’s also a bunch of free ones on the community site that should be more than enough to get users up and running: https://rapidweavercommunity.com/tutorials/free

We generally only charge for courses that require third-party addons: https://rapidweavercommunity.com/tutorials

We are working on adding some more free training videos to YouTube, maybe subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep an eye out for those!



@bobafifi I have 200+ videos on my YouTube channel… https://www.youtube.com/weaversspace

I just saw that you mentioned my channel. I do have some RW generic videos. However, they are mostly around my products. I hope to change that soon though.


As I understand, WP is a fairly secure platform. It’s the third-party plug-ins that cause problems.