About prices for the stuff we use in RW

Foundation 6 is no doubt severely underpriced in my opinion. I didn’t want the launch to be about the price. I wanted it to be about the exciting new things that it does for us. Had I risen the price to what it deserves to be, the only thing anyone would have talked about is the price. Hopefully everyone loves it enough and sees the value… then tells everyone else that they need to buy it. :slight_smile:


@JohnJ Blocks is $99 so if you got a one-off price of $30 fine but don’t base your argument on a special price. Also, what ‘1 stack’ have you seen for upgrade of 60?

@joeworkman Couldn’t agree more.

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All this complaining about prices is quite annoying. I doubt any RW developer is driving a Bentley on the back of their RW work. Personally I’d like to see developers earn more $$ so more of them can be a bit bigger than one man bands and offer more consistent support.

It is true that if you build multiple sites for clients you can afford to invest more in your RW platform. If you are just building / maintaining one site just purchase wisely. It really need not be expensive. But if it is too pricey - go look at the market. Nobody is forced to buy RW after all.

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Well, then ignore the thread if its soo annoying, no one is forcing you to read the replies.

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I did not complained.

Just sharing a thought.



@rolisize If something annoys you you want to express that annoyance - that’s part of debate. I’m not denying the right for people to express concerns about cost but I am entitled to express my opinion too. It’s the tone that questions why RW and 3rd party developers should charge what they charge as if we have some state-dictated right to controlled pricing. We don’t and what they charge is their concern.

@luzule I stand corrected :slight_smile:

@peterdanckwerts plus they go out of date and have to be re-written. Documentation is a big job.

I think if things seem expensive, you need to look for cheaper options and there are usually many.

I’ve enjoyed Foundation v 1, but my ability doesn’t allow me to see the benefit of upgrading, so I won’t until I do. Source is a great alternative for a much cheaper price, but if you want a gallery or slider etc, you’ll need to factor those costs in.

That said even Foundation requires an additional CRM or eCommerce solution, but you have free to cheap to more expensive options.

Blocs is good fun, but for some of the above features, the cheaper options aren’t there.

I do think Source is a bit of a no brainier, even if you own Foundation/Foundry etc.

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174 as of the v6.2 update today. But who is counting… :laughing:


Hi Joe, is there a comparison chart between v1 and f6?

Without profit there’s no motive to continually innovate and improve a product.

RW1 and RW8 are about as far apart as iPhone 1st Gen and iPhone 11.


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