Amazing Development Tools: Xcode + Cursor AI

If you, as developers (and now many non-developers) out there, are interested, using Cursor AI with Xcode is an incredible experience. Honestly, it’s what Xcode should be without the need for Cursor, but unfortunately, Apple…

You set up a project in Xcode, point Cursor to it, and use it to write the code. Xcode then builds the code, and voila! You have an application! It’s absolutely amazing.

Using Xcode alone alone only provides last year’s much smarter code completion, which is not as impressive. Actually its disappointing.

For those interested, here is a link to a video on X that might give you a test:

Xcode + Cursor AI (Claude)

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Funny you mention Cursor, I was just checking it out yesterday to see if it could help with writing custom components for Elements :face_with_monocle: