📢 - Badge Image stack!

With this stack, you can set a picture as a badge. You can set the usual format of pictures for a background with text or use a picture yourself. You can select the picture format, raster or SVG.

For text, you can choose a local font or Google font. You can also specify a font from the Fonts stack, for this you just need to write its name in the font name input field. There is also letter spacing and text shadow.

The badge locations are the same as the Badge stack. You can also choose from several effects: Jump, Rotate, Flip.
You can also apply animation to badges.

More information and examples on the stack page:


Hi, it would help if you could provide a project file of the examples together with the stack :smiley:

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Everything seems to be intuitive there :wink: :blush: Maybe I’ll do it later.

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I’m shure it would foster your sales. It’s kind of a hurdle especially for newbies.

Project file - link.

But again, everything is very simple there :slightly_smiling_face:


As a recommendation please add always project file to the package.

This time it was an additional purchase of Shadow2 stack, which was used in the BadgeImage project file.

Because I wanted to have the missing stack to mimic the exact behaviour of the example page.

That’s also a trick of JoeWorkman. His project files often have references to other stacks of him :laughing:. That’s selling a lot more …


Juerg Baiker of :switzerland: Switzerland

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Thank you! I’ll take your request into account.

This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

For those who bought the stack, an update was released, but before updating it is better to save a copy of the current version (just in case). After the update, you will have to re-enable some settings in Additional - More, if they were used earlier, sorry.

Questions or suggestions can be written at the bottom of the stack page or on the Feedback page, or here.