Can't Delete from Page Layout

Some times It happens that I can’t delete a container or a flex using delete on the keyboard or right clicking and removing. It still get stuck. I’ve tried to save, close app and tried again but it doesn’t delete. What should I do?

Never happened to me, so I have no solution, just the advice to post beta issues in the Beta Feedback category of this forum :wink:

Hi @vinioliv, can you send the project to us via Elements Cloud and we’ll take a look for you?

elementsapp://downloadDocument/7dhg9kuWk0JV Here it is, there is a Container I called To Trash below Nossos Serviços.

I was able to delete by unlinking globals

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We were just looking into the issue and it’s something we’re going to need to fix in the app to stop it happening again in the future…

However, in the meantime @upssjw is correct, if you right-click and unlink the globals you can delete the offending component.

I’d then suggest deleting the global from your library and remaking it from unlinked components in your page. Phew, I really hope that makes sense!

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Got you, so I had to unlink the parent global for the deletion to work. Thank you!

For now yes, but we’ll get it properly fixed in a future beta!

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