Desktop Tool to produce "Inset Shadows?

Thank you very much for your well presented explanation. I will see how this will work for me. I understand most of your directions and have seen the code for SVG, so I think I am more than half way there. For most of my images, I have been using png’s reduced in size so not too large for iphone and smart phone viewing. Always nice to try some new things.

Thanks for the kind words.

I’m glad @webdeer mentioned BluePrintSVG. I don’t use it often as it slows down my workflow (i.e. much easier for me to just use a Typinator shortcut) but … BluePrintSVG is brilliant. There are a few cases where I was putting an SVG inside of other stacks and the results turned out “wonky”, especially when scaled down to a vertical phone screen. In those cases BluePrintSVG solve my problems right away. So it’s a fantastic stack to have in your arsenal.

Thank you very much for taking the time to go over this for me. I hope others can benefit as well.

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