Dev Diary Ep14 - Gallery Update / Q&A

Hey Weavers,

This week we’re looking at the updated Gallery Element and answering some questions, and yes, I’m sorry this is a bit of a long one, but we had a lot to get through!

In the video we also touch on a few upcoming features, namely “Layouts” and “Custom Elements”. It’s well worth watching the Q&A part to get an early scoop on these two big new features we’ll be demoing soon :wink:

We love feedback!

Remember, we’re building Elements in the open so we can get feedback as we go. We want to make sure we’re building the product everybody here wants (including us). Share your ideas and feedback in the comments below.

Your feedback is invaluable; together we can build the best web design app on the Mac!

I’ll be back next Tuesday as usual.

Dan & Team Realmac


Oh… and I know some of you were asking about setting html tags on Elements to help with accessibility… you can now set the tag in the Advanced area, choose from a pre-defined list or enter your own. Pretty cool, right?


Great job. About accessibility questions, I think the demand also concern tools to help us too build directly in Elements all what we need. For example subtitles, switch-off buttons, « accept cooky button », « dismiss button », « what the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: button »… For third party tools, a marketplace sorted by category of tools would be a Nice improvement.

This is great.

Can we also add ARIA roles?

We have been thinking about the best way to do this, however, we haven’t yet landed in what the best approach for this would be.

I think we can definitely offer support for ARIA attributes on the top level DOM element inside the Element, however, I think it’s going to be tricky to give everyone access to add ARIA attributes across all the HTML generated by each Element.

We are baking in ARIA attributes to the HTML code generated by each Element, and we will continue to update and refine this as we go.

I hope to add even more in-depth ARIA and accessibility features in the future.

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ARIA should primarily be used at the top level; thus, this approach is sensible. ARIA roles should not be added to the “design structure.” If someone does this, they risk obscuring critical information that most screen readers might not locate, or that a person using a screen reader will be unable to navigate efficiently through the content and “read” the headings (roles).

I continue to be so impressed with what you are all coming up with. Now, every day I work in RW, I think about what you’ve previewed so far and how much better/easier the task I am working on will be in Elements. Can’t wait. Keep a’ going, mates!

One suggestion on the gallery, if possible. I’d prefer to be able to sort the order of the images by moving them around in the grid, rather than selecting the image’s name on the inspector. and moving it around there. The visual and tactile feedback of dragging them around the grid would be more productive…and delightful.

Ref the Gallery Element: With there be an Auto Play option, with associated options, time per photo, transition options? Will we be able to add titles, text, links associated with each photo? What options can we change in single image view? Can we set the Galery to only show one image at a time?