Dev Diary Ep39 - Introducing Portals for Custom Components

Hey there,

We’re working hard on all your feedback and today we’re pleased to announce, Portals for Custom Components (and no this is not just another random feature). This feature came about because of our need to move elements in the DOM to fix the layering issues you’ve all been experiencing when using menus, modals, and galleries :scream:

Portals will allow us to fix all the layering issues — you can look forward to those new components in the next few betas :crossed_fingers:

This weeks dev diary video is really aimed at those of you that are interested in building custom components, if you’re all about the WYSIWYG, then next weeks dev diary will be for you :wink:

These changes will be available in beta 13, due later today/tomorrow.

Get The Beta

You can sign-up here to be notified when the Elements beta is publicly available.


We’re listening to all your feedback and working super-hard to make Elements the perfect website builder :smiling_face:

If you have any thoughts about today’s Dev Dairy please post them below, we really appreciate the feedback.

See you next week :wave:


Dan & Team Realmac.


Thanks @Dan - as you say ‘Good stuff’ - is the ‘pageStart’ before the doctype? Keep going.

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Yup, we added it just for you PHP lovers!


Dear Dan,
I use Rapidweaver since 2007.
In that year I have build with an inestimable help or your programme the site of AgribusinessWatch, Observatorio do Agronegócio in portuguese ( and Go there and have a look.
But in 2011, due to others activities, I was obliged to stop it.
At that time I used Rapidweaver 3 or 4.
Now I am afraid to restart its maintenance considering the difference of programme versions.
How to manage this problem?
Thanks for your attention and your time.
Maurício Galinkin
phone number redacted
Brasília, DF.

Hi @MotlBrazil,

I’d recommend using RapidWeaver Classic for now, and take a look at Elements once it launches as a public beta later this year.

If you need any help with opening your projects, or re-doing them in RW Classic, just start a new thread here on the forum and we’ll do our best to help.

I presume the JS/resource libraries for which we are creating IDs are something RM can publish as a list for developers to access, similar to what is shown in the demo. Otherwise, I can see twenty different third-party developers creating their own IDs, which could still result in 20 versions of React.js, for example. Am I missing something?

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BTW: It should be becoming rather obvious to everyone how special this is becoming. The attention to details and efficiencies is outstanding.

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Yup, we’re aware of this and it’s on our list!

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Great stuff (as always) Dan! One thing that I’m curious about is how non-CDN based resources are handled in custom components? With HTTP/2 ‘multiplexing’, the need for sharded domains (to increase the max number of connections) is no longer necessary, and with privacy and performance concerns, more folks are choosing to self-host many of these resources.

Is there the ability for a component to specify the addition of resources in a similar manner to portals in a project? For instance, if I create a number of components using the id com.bryanrieger.* would I be able to ensure that the required resources were only added to the project once (or as required)?

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Yes, for sure!

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Was this week’s beta released yet??

Not yet, we wanted to get a couple more fixes in, should be out later today (Thursday).

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