After more than 2 years in development, we’ve hit a HUGE milestone…
We’re finally opening up the beta to a very small group of forum regulars.
But don’t worry if you’re not in that group, because over the next days and weeks, we’ll drip feed more users into this private group. We want to take things slow and steady before we open the floodgates. If you’ve DM’d me in the past 24 hours, you’re next on the list. And if you’d like to join this early private beta please DM me here on the forum. please post a reply on this thread.
Today’s video is aimed at those users who have joined the beta group or are about to join! At the start of the video I go over the purchase/pricing page (built in Elements), and after that we dive into the example project that’ll be posted alongside the beta.
Oh, and here’s a screenshot from Today’s video — I hope you’ll agree, Elements is starting to look really stunning👌
I’m ready - include me in the Beta Program - (please consider reselling websites in plus) I don’t charge people - but occasionally help local companies out… CONGRATULATIONS ON THE RELEASE!!! I have about 8-10 websites for my own stuff…
Oui c’est important. Si je comprends bien le logiciel coûte 129€ à vie (avec des mises à jours possible pendant un an) et après plus de mise à jour mais le logiciel fonctionne quand même. Et si on veut profiter des nouvelles mise à jour ce sera à nouveau payant pour un an, mais on n’y est pas obligé ?
Merci Bruno, je vais ce qu’apporte cette nouvelle version mais je suis pas sur que cela me convienne. J’ai déjà un logiciel concurrent qui est beaucoup moins cher (et oui à force d’attendre on en peut plus)
You will be notified via DM. I’m guessing at least 7-10 days. The first beta went out today. Give the first round some time to knock out the obvious things and let RM fix the big issues. The beta is more than just finding issues, it’s also fixing the issues and double checking the fix didn’t break something else.