I noticed when using an image component to set a icon and dropped in an .svg then it throws an error:
Parse error : syntax error, unexpected identifier “version” in /private/var/folders/57/nnccdyq14tnfjwt684rwg55c0000gn/T/com.realmacsoftware.rapidweaverelements/RapidWeaver/2989/RWDocumentPagePreview/document-E45B4360-E4A3-45B2-81B1-F27550C25750/index.php on line 21
Oh, noticed there is no dev component call for svg - is the call “vector”: {} or something sim? I know it may not work, but I’m trying to rough setup controls so it’s easier to tweak down the road.
it’s not finalised yet, but you will be able to specify which types of resources the resource control accepts. It will look something along these lines: