May I please have some assistance or explanation as to why file attachments do not arrive. I am using the Foundry 3 Contact Form and add the Attachment [Max: 1].
I receive the contact form. However, if someone attaches file, the file does not come to me.
Hi @BluPi,
That’s odd. What type of files are these attachments? And how big are they?
The problem could be inside Foundry’s form, although I’ve had no issues with any of my Foundry 3-based forms in this department, and none of the clients I have that use the Foundry 3 Form have complained about missing attachments either.
It could be that your IPS is filtering out attachments for some reason, or that the attachments fail to attach on the sender’s side.
They are audio files (mp3, mp4, etc). Files size range from 2-8 MB. Appart from the attachments, everthing else works.
Hi @BluPi,
I’m able to reproduce the problem on my own site ( - the problem appears when you try to upload attachments larger than about 3MB.
The file format makes no difference - I was able to successfully send a small (32kB) MP3 file, yet an 8MB PDF was lost in transmission.
My advice is to report this as an issue with Elixir here.
Thank you Erwin
I will do that now. Lets hope there iis a work around or something that can be improved.
Kind regards and many thanks,