Good Theme for ecommerce site using Cartloom?

Can anyone recommend a good theme for my online store using Cartloom. I have RW6, but am considering upgrading to 7. Thank you :smile:

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You can really us whatever theme that you want with Cartloom. Their snippets make it really easy to integrate the shopping cart into any theme.

You should update to RW7. It really is a lot better.


Thank you so much Joe! It is funny, i was just thinking about you when I got the email saying you replied to my post. I really loved your earlier version of Cartloom and all of the many stacks you created that I used on my old RW site. When I hired a web designer to build a couple of sites for me; she only built Word Press sites. After several phishing attacks that completely wiped out my sites, I’ve decided to come back to RW and build my own websites again. I’m looking at your Cartloom Pro with all of its amazing features. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. :):grinning:

Joe’s right - of course - and you can use any theme with Cartloom but I recommend you take a look at Nick Cates’ stuff because he’s actively involved in developing Cartloom and designs great looking themes.


Thank you so much robbeattle! :slight_smile: WOW! The Nick Cates Themes ARE beautiful! It may take me awhile to be able to choose just one. I love Marvel, Royale, and Clearing so far and haven’t yet looked at the others.Clearing seems to have the most Cartloom features but I also LOVE the way Royale flows and Marvel is awesome. After being away from RW for several years I’m just amazed at all of the new available features. Thanks again for leading me to Nick Cates’ Themes. :+1:

Happy to help. Nick’s just one of many excellent RW theme developers but your interest in Cartloom made him a natural recommendation.

@robbeattie @joeworkman Oh you guys are the best!

@Happy Yes, I do all design for Cartloom, and make themes with Cartloom integration. Marvel and Royale get my highest recommendation. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can help with. Thanks!

@nickcates Thank you so much for your reply. I’m leaning toward your Royale. I just have to decide between the theme or the bundle. The only way I could see to join Cartloom was to sign up for the free 2 weeks. However, I WAS a member many years ago, so let me know if I still qualify for the 2 week trial. Next step is to upgrade my RW to version 7 and buy Royale. I think I upgraded stacks to 3 just before I signed on with a website builder a few years ago. Anyway, it seems like everything is coming together. I can’t wait to start weaving again. Thanks again also to @robbeattie and @joeworkman. :+1:

If you have a current seller name within the Cartloom, it unfortunately won’t be eligiable for the 2 week trial. We try not to delete accounts in the case of Sellers who leave - but then come back, and wish to pick up where they left off. If you create a new account, with a new email address - that will get the free 2 weeks :slight_smile:

If you like Royale and enjoy my work, I recommend the bundle! You won’t regret it, if you do, let me know - and I’ll take care of you!

@nickcates Uh Oh!, I joined Cartloom and bought the unbundled Royale today. I went back and forth on whether or not to buy the bundled option, but needed to move forward. I know it would be a savings on two excellent stacks.

I also debated on buying both the Royale and the Clearing to get the 15% discount and what seemed to be better Cartloom options. Decisions, Decisions!

I’ve already added many of my digital products. If you prefer, I can change it over to one of your paid options on the dashboard and skip the 2 weeks trial. No biggie!

I’ve been playing around with Cartloom and Royale and they are both really intuitive so far. I added a products group to my homepage which shows 2 products side by side off to the left instead of 3 or 4 across grid style -probably operator error and I need to take a look at the manual. I really do love both products.

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