Inserting java script

Hi! I am trying to insert the following snippet into my project, and it won’t display!!! Why!!! Help!


There is not a huge amount of information in your post. Can you fill in some blanks?
The more you can tell us about your objectives the more we can help you. For example can you say:-

(a) What version of RW and if you are using Stacks.
(b) What theme you are using.
© What javascript are you trying to use? Can we see it?
(d) What should it do that leads you to say it won’t ‘display’?

If we knew these things maybe we can help more.

Best regards,

I’m using 6.3.4. and, yes we are using Stacks
Theme name is Split.

Here is the script:

script type=“text/javascript”>
window.cookieconsent_options = {“message”:“Mit der Nutzung unserer Webseite, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu.”,“dismiss”:“Einverstanden!”,“learnMore”:“Mehr Infos”,“link”:“",“theme”:"dark-bottom”};

script type=“text/javascript” src="//">

It is the basic Cookie Consent window, recquired by EU law.

Okay… sheesh… I had to ask didn’t I?
Okay here is what you need to do…Just do this and yes, I know that its a bit different in places - thats because the code you supplied is not quite right… so just try what I suggest exactly as below… then you can tinker with it once its working…

In the page HEADER (not Javascript!) code container paste this in:-

<script src=""></script>

Next, in the Javascript code container paste this in:-

window.cookieconsent_options = {"message":"Mit der Nutzung unserer Webseite, stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu.","dismiss":"Einverstanden!","learnMore":"Mehr Infos","link":"","theme":""};

Then hit preview…

Now, I don’t have the SPLIT theme to test with… but it works fine with the one and only Freestack Responsive Theme and thats plenty good enough for me :wink:

In the first snippet you need to add the http:// to make it clear to RW that you want a web resource.

In the second snippet you actually need to supply the URL of the CSS which will theme the cookie advisory. You can find them all here:

Best regards,