Google Analytics and Cookie Jar Stack


I am just about configuring the Cookie Jar Stack with Google Analytics inside my project in RW7.

Please see the picture below:

The message in Line 16 says:" You will need to remove the tags from the code you are pasting in".
So in my circumstance, do I need to remove line 1,2,3 and 9?

Thanks in advance.



  • I have gone ahead, copied and paste the code between the < script> tag. All seems to work fine when published, BUT the cookie stack appears only on my homepage.

According to this video, Joe Workman says that in order to display the cookie jar on all our web pages, we should use the “Cookie Jar - HTML snippet” and paste on our web page (skip to 7.45min till 8.53min) . In this video I can see Joe is using an older version of RW, and so I cannot understand where should I copy this Cookie Jar HTML snippet.

Any suggestions?

Have you watched the video?

Thank you Joe. I didn’t watch this video. That was very helpful.

So, what I have just done is:
a. I deleted the Cookie-Jar CSS snippet inside the “Settings-Code-CSS” inside RW7
b. I deleted the Cookie-Jar Javascript snippet inside the “Settings-Code-Javascript” inside RW7
c I also deleted the Cookie-Jar Analytics snippet inside the “Settings-Code-Body” inside RW7, and I put the original code that I had from Google Analytics. I then pasted this code inside the stack.

That’s beautiful !

I don’t need to worry about all of these snippets and other codes.

At this point the cooke jar is displaying only on the homepage. Shall I add it to the Global Header Stack that I use on all pages, so that it will be displayed throughout the whole site? Is this the best, and proper way, to share this stack across the whole site?

Thanks for your support.


Yes. You should add it to every page.

Thank you Joe, it’s all running smoothly now.

I added this code to the Cookie Jar alert(“Cookie Jar Code Executing”); and when I open my website this message appear.
I understand that this code will help me to know that the cookie jar is working, but would also my viewers see this Alert Message when they open my site?.

Thank you so much for your assistance.

Delete that snippets from the cookie jar settings. Its only there to help you see that it’s working.

Hi, I’m following this topic.
I’m almost a newbie: I add Cookie Jar Stack only in the HomePage.
What is the GLOBAL HEADER?

I think i must study carefully Joes’ video.


He is using a Stacks partial to add the same stack to multiple pages.

A Partial, ok!

Thanks Joe.

Thanks a lot for your help Joe. :slight_smile:

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