Is anyone familiar with the process of adding a PHP script to their website? Is there a Stack I need to display the script in Rapidweaver, or is there code I need from MySQL database that I need to add to Rapidweaver to display the script in my Rapidweaver project?
Once you have uploaded the script to your server, simply add the code to an HTML stack where you would like the booking system, for example to appear.
Have you taken a look at the help resources here?
I guess I’m not sure what “code” I need to add. I have the HTML stack, but I don’t see any specific code that I can add to the HTML stack that will display the PHP script.
I’ve sent this question to PHPjabbers as well, if they get back to me with a solution I’ll post it here as well just in case anyone else is unsure of the process. I will say they have been VERY GOOD so far with their customer support.
Once you have purchased the script, you are provided with a piece of HTML, JS or PHP code which needs to be placed on your web page. It’s a matter of copy and paste of few lines of code.
There was no HTML provided, what I received was the link the Admin Panel, the login and password.
Perhaps they’ll be sending me the HTML in another message. I went into the Admin Panel and didn’t see anything that I could copy and paste that would display the script in the HTML stack.
Hi @idleminds,
I have used a couple of PhpJabbers scripts on both occasions once you go through the install process (very simple).
You log into the admin page for the script. That is where you will find the code block (or blocks). In my case there was code to implement the script on my website and also code to implement the admin page on my site.
You simply paste the code where appropriate into a html stack on your site.
Perhaps I’m just not seeing it, or I’m not sure where to add it in Rapidweaver. What I have under the “Install” portion of the Admin Panel is this:
Step 1. Copy and paste the code below at the very top of your .php page. It should be line 1 of your .php web page.
Step 2. Copy and paste the code below into your html code, where the listing will be displayed.
Step 2a (Optional). Copy and paste the code below inside the part of your page, where the meta tags will be printed.
Step 3. Copy and paste the code below at the very bottom of your .php web page after all the other code.
There is code listed after each item. Perhaps my real question/problem is I don’t know where in Rapidweaver I would paste each of those items. For instance, where exactly is the “very top of your .php page”, etc. Is that in the “General Settings” or the “Meta Tags & HTML Code” section of the inspector? I’ve tried pasting the various forms of code in those areas and nothing happens.
OR … I could be looking at the wrong section entirely of the Admin Panel.
This is kinda tough to answer not knowing what the code is but;
no. 1 I believe that the prefix tab on the page inspector is where you would put the code for line 1 (hopefully someone will correct me if I’m wrong about that)
no. 2 This is wherever on your page you want it to show up. put an html stack there and paste the code in
no. 2a I’m not sure about this one - I don’t think you can paste code in the RW Edit meta tags area (I could be wrong) if not I would try the header area IS it code or is it actually meta tags they are giving you? If it’s meta tags put them in the Edit meta tags area of the page inspector
no. 3 I’m not sure about this one either without seeing the code. I think the Javascript tab puts things “near” the bottom I would try that first
You may have to export the page and make your edits outside of RW then upload the page via ftp.
The code for step 1 is:
<?phpob_start(); ?>Step 2:
Step 3:
I haven’t heard back from PHPjabbers yet, but I think they may be closed for the day.
I would make a new page to test with and put them where I suggested above, see what happens, won’t hurt anything, have a go at it.
This can go in the pages head block area or in the site wide head block area, there is no need to put these in individually as meta data tags through the page editor in RW imho.
I really appreciate everyone’s help and suggestions in this matter.
So far nothing appears to be working, though.
swilliam … you stated that you had successfully used PHPjabbers scripts in the past, did your scripts contain the same instructions for install that mine does? I’m wondering if they have updated their scripts or something that affects how they’re installed. Or did you install them in a previous version of Rapidweaver?
Do you think my entire site need to be PHP? Or can I simply change the extension on that one page to “index.php” instead of “index.html”?
I heard back from PHPjabbers, and I’m going to have to write back again, and this is what they said:
“Yes, you need to get the code under the Install menu and paste it in the source code of you page as per the instructions. The page on which you implement this code has to be a .php page. If the page is .html you can simply rename it to .php.”
I think what I really need is a true step-by-step process of where the code goes in Rapidweaver … in layman’s terms. Saying “paste the code at the very top of your .php page” doesn’t tell me where “the very top” of my .php page is in Rapidweaver … what is the actual “field” in Rapidweaver that corresponds with “the very top.”
The code in all cases for me was a single block of code. to be put where I wanted it to show up on the page, I installed one as recently as last week.
What script are you using?
Anyway… Only the page with the script needs to be php. Important if that page existed before you pasted the script as an html page, did you log onto your server with ftp or file manager and delete the old html page? If not, your server is probably still serving the old page not the new php page with the script.
Can you share a url? that would make it easier to see whats going on.
I’m trying to use the Property Listing script.
PHPjabbers just sent me a message and corrected it so it will display on my test page, they also sent two screen shots of where they set the lines of code. Unfortunately, when I try to edit the page, it is no longer formatted to show the script because I don’t have those lines of code in the right place in Rapidweaver so I think it’s overwriting the changes.
Here’s what they sent me:
You have added the script’s include code in the head of the file, see screenshot1.png.We have moved it at the bottom of the page, see screenshot2.png.
You can see script front-end loads now:
Currently the script do not look very good as there is not enough space to fit. You should consider updating your CSS files, like for example /rw_common/themes/mirage/consolidated.css which set global rules to all elements on the page.
Maya Bosheva
/end message.
You’ll notice, too, that as soon as you leave that page and go to, say, the home page, you can’t get back to the page that actually works.
I’m wondering if it’s just as simply as figuring out where I can add the code so that it appears at the bottom of the page.
Should I start another thread asking if anyone knows how to add code to the bottom of the page in Rapidweaver?
can you actually post the screen shots
IE. cant get back to page
the page the code is on is here:
Your menu selection on home page (test) points to here:
ie: I’m wondering if it’s just as simply as figuring out where I can add the code so that it appears at the bottom of the page.
Worse case would be you have to export your page and then edit to add the code at bottom then upload with ftp. - once you do this you can’t edit in RW or you will over write the working file.
Did you try adding what goes at the bottom in the Javascript area?
I did try adding that line to the Javascript area, but it did not add the code where it needed to be.
This is where the Javascript field added the text:
This is where they moved the text so the script would appear properly:
Is there a way to manually enter code within Rapidweaver? I see there is a “view source” option, but I don’t see a way to manually enter code into that area.
Once again, I can’t thank you enough for looking at this and I really appreciate your input.