The only one I can find only works with Foundation. Maybe a rule/line is built into RW and I just don’t know where it is? Snippet?
Two possible approaches:
- Place a stack in your page and apply a horizontal border to either the top or bottom. You can change the thickness and colour of the border line in the stack settings
- Use an image for your border graphic
Joe Workman has his Lines stack as well
Joes lines stack is one of the most underrated stacks out there. Used carefully it’s extremely effective and versatile. I’m a big fan of it for subtle content separation.
I’m a big fan of Defilgra’s free LineDeluxe stack -
Free is always better
Not always IMHO, but in this instance it’s a really nice little stack.
I have found this to be perfect for a few little jobs, although it isnt anything to do with Rapidweaver, and it is FREE.
Bummer, looks like the download link is dead.
The dev is active on this forum. Shoot him a request and I’m sure he’ll respond.
Not to mention that the page is unreadable (because of the background image that obfuscates all of the text…