Logo image - can it be warehoused?

The logo image under General in RW - can it be warehoused?

I am not sure if I understood what you try to tell me. I am talking about the logo box in RW’s General setting where you drop a logo image into a box then stack like Joe Foundation Topbar uses the image in that logo box to put logo in the Topbar.

So far I don’t see a way to use warehouse logo in that General logo box unless I overlooked something somewhere. I am warehousing all my images, fonts, etc as much as possible. One website I that I maintain for others have seasonal logos so I wanted to just replace the warehoused image rather than opening RW project and swap out then republish every time they want a different theme logo on the website.

The answer is no there is no way to warehouse the RW Logo image or any image using RW. Stacks is needed and then a stack that uses an alternative warehoused image to replace the RW Logo image, is required, such as TopBar.

What about using a stack like JW’s Houdini to place a warehoused image as the logo? Then that image could be updated as needed.


I am using joe top bar stack and I just realized that if I selected custom data in the top bar title then I can use warehouse logo in it. So I am all good now.

I need to start looking at ALL settings in each stacks to see what it can do!

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