Odd Behavior in New Container Component

RapidWeaver Elements 10 (22867)

I have noticed an odd behavior with the reworked container .

When I have a bunch of header and paragraph components in a container and have the content sizing set to container and the alignment set to center, it looks as follows.

But if I set the alignment to left, the contents go to the left edge of the full width instead of the container’s left edge based on the breakpoint setting. See below.

Is this a bug or the expected behavior, as it seems odd and not what I would have expected? And not what I would want. It seems weird that I have to set the alignment to center for it to be shown left justified.

Look at the MAIN Container in the screenshots.

Try and give the content a custom width.

I noticed you gave the container a l/r margin of auto in the first screenshot. That won’t do anything with the container at full width. To see the effect of that, reduce the width of the container itself.

Best to understand if you give background colours to the body and the container.

This is expected behaviour.

The Content Width setting allows you to set the width of the content inside the Container.

The Horizontal and Vertical alignment settings allows you to move the content around inside the Container, whilst keeping a consistent width for content within the Container.

This setup is very flexible, especially when setting a custom Content Width. You can set the width of the content within the Container and then move that around however you like - which gives you a lot of freedom wrt layout placement.

In you example: if you wanted the text to also be center aligned within the Container then you would select the Heading and Paragraph components and set the Text Align control to center.

Hope that clears things up? :slight_smile:

It somewhat makes sense but is still very confusing.

I want the content to be the width setup for the container at each of the breakpoints. I then want to align my content within that width set for the container. But the horizontal alignment instead seems to move the container width around inside the full width, which seems to defeat the purpose of the container width setting.

I guess I will just have to always make sure my content is center aligned to get the behavior I expect.