Odd behaviour since update with text

The text was showing in my custom element prior to the latest update, after update I get this text showing instead

It was doing this with just text of 1 (2,3 etc) in the screen shot, poor quality gif due to size

CleanShot 2024-09-16 at 13.44.12

the small purple text appeared as well with sm md etc

We added the following to the last beta:

  • Added support for globals to text fields, numbers fields, and text areas
  • Added support for responsive break points to text fields, numbers fields, and text areas

I’m wondering if one of those changes is affecting what you’re doing? :thinking:

You can turn off the support for responsive fields by using the following value:

"responsive": false,

Let me know if that helps…

that fixed the adding of the sm md lg to the text

does that mean I cannot have responsive for text

removed that added text

CleanShot 2024-09-16 at 16.29.01

another issue when I view in safari, didn’t have this before the update

if I remove the container from the page the messages no longer show

Yes, sorry, see this thread for more info on the issue (will be fixed in the next beta).

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