Please explain warehousing images

I’ve been looking through the RW Forum posts for clear instructions on how to setup “warehousing images,” but haven’t found specifics other than a reference to adding a stack from Stellar Stacks but Stellar Stacks doesn’t exist anymore.

I took a screenshot of my project via Yummy FTP and im hoping someone here can walk me through a step by step of how to set this up.

Surely other weavers are wondering the same thing?


The LabCoatGuy

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Honestly, I’ve wondered the same thing too. It’s not a standard web development term, and the first results for it on Google (that aren’t stock photo websites) are references to RapidWeaver plugins, stacks and projects.

Watching this thread with interest…

Have a look at this previous post: Warehousing Images - best way?

I’m sorry to be rude but saying the following and having ‘Addon Developer’ in your title is shall we say ‘odd’

Sure, but if this community is going to make up their own words for things that no other community uses there’s going to be some confusion. I’m sure that @labcoatguy probably did the same research that I did when trying to figure it out.

Now I actually understand what it is (simply linking to the file already uploaded to your server), if there’s anything that would make managing this process easier for you then please send a feature request to and we’ll take a look at it.

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Check also the video here:

None of the links in this post are active anymore so I can’t “see” the instructions. Can you update with live links?


In the FTP screenshot, would the “warehouse” folder, would that be inside the html folder?

I’ll have to recreate the steps, I’ll see if I can do it this evening.

I’ve remade the screenshots, here’s the revised post from the previous warehousing forum post:

I warehouse 99.9% of all my images, let me see if I can explain my process.
1st off warehousing is simply the term that’s come about for the storing of your images (and pdf etc) on a server, be it the one your site is on or another one, there’s nothing complex or clever about it.

I use Transmit to access my host’s servers, its just an FTP program and there are others out there.
Here’s a screenshot of this site viewed in Transmit:

The highlighted files are the site as exported/Published by Rapidweaver.

Now for the warehousing bit:
I create a folder called Assets and then within it I create (if needed) subfolders which contain the images/pdfs/whatever, here’s a screenshot of the Assets folder expanded:

I then right click on one of the files and select ‘Copy URL’ and I can then paste the link straight into whatever stack I’m using that supports warehousing images (99% of them)
The path will look like this:
And that is it.

I use the name Assets because it starts with an ‘A’ and will be at the top of the list, other users prefer a folder starting with ‘Z’ so that it will be at the bottom, other than that we all do it essentially the same.

Easy eh?

PS. To demonstrate another advantage of warehousing, the 2 images in this post are warehoused on my own assets subdomain thus enabling me to easily pop their links here and elsewhere, as they are images the forum recognized them as such and displayed them. This (without the quotes) is what I copied from Transmit and pasted above.

I got it to work. This is really cool. Thank you.

What I couldn’t figure out was where should I create/add the assets folder. I couldn’t figure out if it should be in the same hierarchy as ‘html’ and ‘cgi-bin’–or should it be in html/files/assets or somewhere else.

For others who follow this thread–or find it–here’s what I did.

Per Paul’s advice, I added a new folder within the ‘html’ folder and named it “assets,” from there I dropped the images I want to warehouse into the assets folder.

I started out by testing just two images.

Thank you Paul for clearing this up.

However, at the same time, even after I created html/assets/logo, when I right clicked in Yummy FTP for Copy As URL, what I got back was, where myusername was my actual username and at myspecificserver was actually my specific server.

Still in Yummy FTP, A right click request for ‘Copy As Web URL’ yielded, but that URL just went to a web page that said:

Not Found
The requested URL /html/assets/logo.png was not found on this server.

Finally, I took the ‘html’ out of the URL address. Bingo. Login | HSTS Redirection Community

This is so great, and I think this is something that should be built-in to RapidWeaver.

Here’s the real beauty of this method–in my opinion.

  1. You can rename your images to something/anything search engine friendly.

In my 2nd example screenshot, with the red arrow pointing to the assets folder, the second image is a stacks image that shows up on maybe 40 pages on my site. The stacks image was named “stacks-image-3c5p5d9.png” by RW/Stacks. That’s not an SEO-useful name, but buythisproductbecauseitsgreat.png is useful.

This is huge.

  1. You can dramatically reduce the size of the site itself since one 12 kb image that appears in 100 places will still only require 12kb–instead of 100x 12kb images–that each have to load separately.

This improves the site loading speed exponentially.

  1. Since google now ranks mobile-friendly sites higher–and concurrent faster loading speeds as still another reason for giving such sites higher rankings, this is an area that RapidWeaver can really capitalize on and should.

Thanks again Paul for your clarified instruction.

Reasons why should be 1, 2, 3. I don’t know why it’s posting as 1,1,1. I tried to edit but still came back 1,1,1.

I suspect lines like “This is huge” are separate paragraphs, this such a line ends the numbered list. The next list item is considered a new list which starts at 1. At least that’s what I’m guessing, since I don’t know how you were entering the lines.

I never liked the term WareHousing – though it does make sense… somehow.
I often refer to image stored on the server as… ServerHosted or ServerStored images.

But as mentioned… the term WareHousing does make sense.

noun, plural warehouses [wair-hou-ziz]

  1. a building, or a part of one, for the storage of goods, merchandise, etc.
  2. British. a large retail store.
  3. a building in which wholesalers keep large stocks of merchandise, which they display and sell to retailers.

verb (used with object), warehoused [wair-houzd], warehousing

4. to place, deposit, or store in a warehouse.
5. to set aside or accumulate, as for future use.
6. to place in a government or bonded warehouse, to be kept until duties are paid.
7. Informal. to confine (the mentally ill) to large institutions for long-term custodial care.

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